Random Thoughts From the Endless Highway
July 8, 2010
OK; it’s official. Kansas sucks. Don’t get me wrong; I love the idea of Kansas farms and all the corn and wheat and cows and such. I just hate trying to get through it. Holy Moly! Northern Kansas via Highway 36 is just slightly better on the “Are we there yet?” scale than I70 but not by much. There are more hills but it’s still just grain as far as the eye can see with the occasional cattle farm and a ton of historical markers thrown in to break up the scenery. Did you know that on almost every date in history since 1825 something significant (to Kansans) happened in the state of Kansas? I am totally amazed.
On a totally unrelated note I found out that not only is AG Bell responsible for oppressing the Deaf but he also bilked his investors out of the equivalent of millions of dollars promising to invent a way to send multiple messages via the telegraph. This invention eventually turned out to be the telephone. Old AG basically told his investors to experience a self-coital function and went right on trying to cure Deaf folks. I hope he’s nice and toasty right now; like a burnt steak.
We just crossed the Republican River. My conservative buddy Andy will be so proud!!
8:15 pm (6:15 local)
We just drove through the exact middle of the continental US if you follow longitude and latitude.
We’ve also been seeing wild pheasants flying on the side of the road: they’re so cool!
Gas went from $2.49 to $2.70 in less than 300 miles. How boring is this ride that I would know this?
By the way, for those who think there are too many McDonalds in the world come to Hiway 36 in Ks. I haven’t seen a single McDonalds or any other fast food joint for more than a hundred miles. No Walmarts either. Is this Socialist heaven? Highly doubt it; I have a feeling people are just as conservative here as they are in rural Indiana. They kept sending Bob Dole to the Senate didn’t they?
Just spotted 3 wild turkey hens out in the field.
7 pm local: a stop sign!! Civilization!! A golf course and a hospital sign!! Look! A Pizza Hut! We are in Philipsburg which I am betting from the looks of the courthouse is the county seat of whatever county we’re in. It took almost 5 minutes to drive through the town. A regular thriving metropolis.
I called this an epiphany diary when I started it. The epiphany I have had so far is that if I just have enough faith to let God do what he will and go along with whatever he has in store then I will have not only a great time;I’ll be safe as well. I love God.
For your edification I present to you Norton Ks; home of the Norton Correctional Facility and the first McDonalds I’ve seen in over eight hours. Who knew a third-rate crappy fish sandwich could taste so good?
Just passed a sign advertising the last Indian Raid Museum down the highway a ways. How did they know it was the last one? Did the Indians just stop on their horses and say “screw it, we’re going to Norton for a Big Mac.”?
Note to self: we MUST stop in Minden Nebraska. The signs are all along the side of the road and they have everything; the world’s oldest Buick, a blacksmith shop, airplanes and an original fort.
We are about 60 miles from the western Ks state line, should be in Denver by morning.
July 9, 2010
Yay!! Survived Kansas. Sitting at Jeff’s enjoying a bottle of wine with Cheryl after a 75 mile bike ride. We went to Boulder for lunch then rode back via a secondary highway. Tomorrow we’re going up into the mountain proper to get a good ride in. We’re cruising over to a casino then off to find a local joint to eat. People in cars in Denver do NOT care if you are on a motorcycle. Near death experiences piss me off!! We were talking about Hardees franchises and how maybe Bob could open one of those; I say no, I think a driving school would be more useful.
I sat here for a good hour watching the one huge cloud in the sky, snowy white like something out of a laundry commercial, sending some serious lightning to the outer reaches of the cloud but not onto the ground. It was so beautiful; not a single cloud in the sky except for this wonderfully full and fluffy white cloud giving me an air show. All the kids here shooting off fireworks and they’re missing the real show in the sky. Sad, really. The one funky thing I ain’t to happy about is the lack of stars. Light pollution sucks.
G'night y'all. More tomorrow.
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