Monday, June 28, 2010

Test trip a success!!

I'm so glad we took a test trip. Bob came up with quite a list of things we will want to make life easier on the road and I learned more about where I want to pack things. I have to say there's an amazing amount of storage room in the Haus if you know how often you'll be using things. :)
Of course a good road trip wouldn't be a good road trip without some kind of SNAFU so luckily ours came very early in the trip (less than a mile from home). The tail pipe fell off but we were close enough to home and Lowes parking lot that we were able to pull over, call the youngest son and have him come and pick up the errant piece of gear; then off we went.
The whole rig rode very nice; we ran into some heavy winds on 65 N but rocking was at a minimum. Bob checked the tie-downs on the way back; 2 were a little loose but nothing serious and it's nice to learn these things for myself just in case. I'll never be a "Bob the tool man" kind of woman but that doesn't mean I can't learn some basics if only to keep us safe. Turning a wrench will always be something I approach with trepidation but there are lots of things I NEED to learn as opposed to WANT to learn. All of the on board equipment worked extremely well. The fridge kept things cold and the stove cooked things hot. (Although I tend to prefer cooking over an open fire myself it will be nice to be able to sit in the "cafe" on rainy days and be able to eat something other than PB & J.)
I believe the two most valuable things I learned on this trip are;
1. I am making memories with my grandchildren when we haul them with us. Being a grandparent is so much easier than being a parent.
2. I've really lost a lot of weight!! This little factoid is pure vanity but I'm ok with that. Goal is to lose 30 more lbs by September. Seeing myself on "film" as it were, really is giving me some motivation.

Note to self; get some kind of awning for the camper door so that when the faucets of Heaven open up full on us we at least have a little wiggle room to get things loaded without standing directly in a waterfall...

Places to visit if you are on 65N in Indiana: (note: these places are all in the northern third of Indiana)

Fair Oaks Dairy Farm:
Wind farms are located all along 65N
Indiana Dunes State Park:


At July 5, 2010 at 11:16 AM , Blogger Deb said...

Do you know if the kids can milk real cows at Fair Oaks Dairy Farm? My kids are dying to milk a real cow but I can't figure out how to give them that opportunity.


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