Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Into the Dakotas

After availing ourselves of the free Wi Fi at the Launderama, getting caught up on our laundry, restocking the pantry, etc., etc., we finally got on our way out from Broadus, Montana. Onward we trek back into Wyoming to see Devil's Tower before entering the Black hills of South Dakota.

After thirty some odd years of aviation some things become habit. For instance, it doesn't matter if it's a UH- 1 Huey, a Boeing 727-200 freighter, or a Ford F-350 pickup with a big, damn, camper on it I do a "Pre - Departure" walkaround inspection. Make sure we haven't lost anything, make sure the tires all appear to be holding air, the bikes are still tied down, you get the picture. I did the same thing as always before we finally left the I.G.A. parking lot in Broadus. Everything appeared in order.

Got rolling down the pike a ways and about the same time I grabbed fifth gear I glanced at the right side mirror and noticed that the cover from our water heater was gone. In aviation parlance, "the door had departed the aircraft." Shit!

The water heater is over thirty years old and while it is still quite functional, replacement parts a few. Especially the damned doors. So, we wheel around and head back to Broadus. Starting to think we'll never escape this tiny, Montana burg. Beckie is searching the roadside and I'm trying to drive and watch for the door at the same time. Get back to the I.G.A. parking lot, no sign of the door. Shit, again! We head back out of town, fervently watching the grass for our door. No joy in Mudville today. Can't find the damned thing. To hell with it, we again row the gears and get on our way.

Nice drive down U.S. 212 through the Southeastern expanse of Montana back to Wyoming. We follow some Wyoming state hiways to Devil's Tower National Monument.

History lesson: Devil's Tower was the first National Monument in the U.S.. i didn't know that. Did you? I mean, I watched that whole PBS, Ken Burns film about our National Parks and I don't remember hearing that. It was probably in there but I don't recall that part.

Where was I?

Oh, yea, Devil's Tower. Wait, let me back up again!

On the way to Devil's Tower I see a small Grouse running along the road, appeared to be trying to get some transitional lift going. Suddenly, he clears ground and does a hard, right bank in front of me. I got nothing to try to avoid it so either he gets hit or he don't, it's all in G-d's hands now. I don't hear a thump but I don't see the bird or a cloud of feathers either. I feel pretty sure he lived to fly another day.


We pull into the parking lot of the "tourist trap" trading post where i again do my "walkaround" this time a post flight. What do i find lying on the front, cargo carrier? Yep. Mr. Bird. Quite dead. It had to have been sudden so I don't think he suffered. I felt kinda bad. Nothing I could have done but, still, you know?

Anyway, I finish my walkaround and can you guess what I find wedged against the tailgate on the trailer? Correct, again! Our water heater door. When it came off (dzeus fastner failed) it "frisbee'd" into the trailer. I'm doubly happy now. Got my door and it didn't shatter the fairing on my Harley on its way to the trailer.

A few words about Devil's Tower. First, if you ever saw "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" you really need to see this. It's quite impressive. Second, if you're ever out West and passing through the region, you really need to see this. It's quite awesome! However, if you are, like the "Beckster" and me, into your third week of touring through the Colorado Rockies, Wyoming, Montana, and such, you might find yourself suffering from "scenic beauty overload." It can happen. We approached Devil's Tower with great anticipation as the next magnificent, natural wonder to behold. Well, frankly, it was a bit of a let down. It is, after all, a big rock. Maybe the tacky, "Trading Post" or the KOA at the entry point detracted from it a bit but we were just a little underwhelmed. Since hiking is kind of out of the question for me and there isn't much to see inside the park if you're not hiking or climbing, we chose to forgo the admission and just took a break in the tourist trap.

Souvenirs and gifts purchased we head on through the road construction to out next night stop near Belle Fourche, S.D.. Getting late, we're tired and hungry so after fueling the Fordmobile we go in search of sustainance. Nice lady at the truck stop recommends a place up the road called The Branding Iron. Had a nice steak and a cool draft. Now, I don't want to screw with the camper, finding a place to park, ets.. Beckie and I agree it's time for a motel. Happens to be one just up the road from the restaurant. Cheap, clean, and independantly owned and operated. We crash hard for the night.

Next time, we'll descibe the ride down the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway on the road to Hot Springs.

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!


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